What is the #1 White problem?
Southerners have zero representation politically. Those that actually care enough to look into our predicament often end up simply pointing fingers at politicians while ignoring the massive amount of power the White masses could exercise socially. I would say White social behavior is far more devastating to our race than the political oppression we suffer.
While I could go alot of different directions here because the race issue is very nuanced, one of the biggest issues with White people is denial, and what they truly treasure or prioritize. One instance among many is that even so called conservative Whites do not respect the White image or Whites who are lower to lower middle-class. The poor black man is shown more respect by wealthy Whites than the poor White man. I suspect the reasoning goes that poor White people are an embarrassing part of our race and blacks were not really held to a standard anyway and wealthy Whites love bold black entertainment. So distancing themselves from poor Whites is cool and necessary while it's okay to bring blacks into their bosom. Also in the same way pride in black slave labor was an extension of White Planter ego, the college athletes, professional even, and such are an extension of White monied ego that has poured money into these institutions and flaunted the victories their wealth produced. The pride in these black athletes grew, much like that of the planter's pride emerging from his own ego in social status with the black slave labor being the physical representation of his superiority to the poor White yeomen who labored by the sweat of their own brows. The planter and his niggers built society the poor White was simply the stray dog who lived in his universe and hadn't been successful enough to establish himself in black slave labor. Today's Whites who are poor do not get the benefit of the doubt, the loving kindness, endless paternalism shown the black man, but rather disdain, ridicule, or more often a brutal quiet coldness.
How dare I, a man who makes less than 100k a year, doesn't own his own business, or hold any military rank or own property criticize college football, the NBA, foreign labor used by well to do White men! I should stay in my place because those who built the country view me as less than the nigger and the foreigner who have often become the very expression of White pride and ego. White people cannot rise up as a race not so much due to the Jerry Springer like White poor, the blind as a bat middle-class White but rather because of the fact that the wealthy White man is no different than the oft criticized Jew in his view of most Whites. Those who run the country, the White men who run the country, rub shoulders with the Jew and they look with disdain on the ignorant, poor, stuck in the past, pro-White rednecks who largely make up the South, and they would rather sit at the table with the extensions of their ego in the black athlete, the East Indian professional, the young upcoming White progressive and sexy women who don't care about their race. We can't rise as a race because the wealthy White man constantly shows his disdain for fellow Whites stabbing us in the back socially and economically. Jews deserve their criticism but among our White elite their are tons of Churchill, Lincoln, Bush, or even Nick Saban types whose influence and priorities prevent White well being, and preservation. Wealthy White men are destroying the White race, but I'm not considered good enough or credible enough to have my criticisms considered. I would have to be black to have that privilege.